Puppy Care Guide: 10 most important Guideline for the best Dog care.
by LLxx on Mar 08, 2024

Puppy care guide: 10 Great Tips for the best puppy care
Are you going to become an adorable new puppy parents? That must be very exciting! But you must remember and be cautioned: it’s not just taking your puppy on a walk in the park! It might not be fun always, could be stressful of course rewarding. You need to take a lot of preparation, hard work, love and patience. Don’t be worry if you do it right it will turn into a joyful experience.
Here is the 10 most important steps to care for your new puppy:
1) Make your home puppy-proof: it’s the same when you welcome a baby to your house knows that there are certain everyday items which need to be replaced or removed and keep out reach from for the safety and care of the baby. Puppies are naturally curious same as babies and small children and they like to explore their new place and its contents. This sometimes could getting themselves into potentially dangerous situation!
So you need to start designating or facing of one part of your home to create a safe space for him which will be his new territory for first few months . following item must be out of reach from your puppy.
- Toxins and chemical
- Electrical items
- Plants
- Breakable items
- Valuable items
- Trash
Make sure to sweep and vacuum the living area frequently to remove any small hazard, and keep the space clean and tidy so that puppy can enjoy his new environment.
2) Get the necessary puppy daily used supplies: Next, stock up some most important puppy care supplies. Includes:
- ID tags
- Collar and leash
- Puppy shoes
- Sleeping crate
- Toys
- GPS tracker
Provide toys and entertainment that your puppy is familiar with. That will help him to be occupied and to help him feel more at home.. Wear a sneaker printed his face on him. A range of things that he can play will make him feel cared-for, comfortable and happy about his new territory.
3) Food choice and exercise: Best food choice is another important puppy care tip. It is recommended a nutrient dense dog food which help them growing. Make sure your puppy get all nutrients he needs and same time enjoy eating the food, too. You can choice from different range like premium, natural and raw dog foods.
When your puppy gets lot of energy, you can help him to use it productive way. Remember it that puppies need less exercise than an adult dog.
Just let him play, walk, run, and explore outdoor in a confined and safe are at least one time per day and that will be enough exercise. You can use puppies age in months times 5 minutes to determine how much play time he needs. For example if he is 4 months he needs to play 20 minutes per day.
4) Proper sleeping arrangements:
To decide where to puppy sleep, do the following
- Make sure you have a designed for the puppy to sleep, including a dog bed or crate.
- Keep your puppy bed nearby other people so that they won’t feel lonely.
Do not let a new puppy sleep in your bed. It will make an unwanted long term sleeping arrangement.
Importantly try to be consistent in enforcing the sleeping method, everyone can get a good night sleep including your growing puppy.
5) Train to use Potty: puppy needs to urinate regular and frequently, so you will need to anticipate their needs try to give them an opportunity to relieve them at least every 3 hours.
You can usually understand when they wants to go because they will look around anxiously, walk in circle and start sniffing to find a suitable corners. And that’s your chance to take them outside. If you don’t want them poop all over the yard like an adult , pick an area and take him directly every time when its potty time.
6) Take your puppy to vet for regular checkup and vaccine: it is very important to take them to the vet for checkup, if there’s something wrong the vet can catch it up early and get it before something big happen. Also give you chance to know some information helpful to raise a puppy; such as feeding, Vaccination. Don’t afraid to ask every question comes to your mind about your puppy to a vet because it’s about the life of your pet.
7) Good Behavior Training: take care while you start training your puppy right way. They need to learn the rules at their young age. It will help them to grasp them quickly with good and consistent effort, just because he is little, tiny, cute don’t let your family member get away with anything.
You will set your puppy up for a life of positive social interaction by teaching him good manners.
In-fact obedience training will make a strong bond between you and your puppy. Teaching your puppy some basic commands like sit, stay, down, come will help them to be safe and under control any potentially dangerous situation.
8) Supervision: Assume that you getting used to life with your new puppy. You need to supervise him at all times. This will help to
- Monitor his health
- Consistent of training
- Keep him safe
- Prevent him from getting into or peeing your things.
Constant supervision will help you to know your little friend better. You will start learning his personality, charms, and quirks, when you are away of home you can monitor him by dog camera. It has some feature that can used to help him play and not feel lonely.
9) Secure plenty of socialization: what a new puppy needs most? He needs a lots of love and cuddling, rest and sleep, good nourishing food and then…more love. Moving a new place, leaving own home, mom and mates is very difficult experience for him. However, you need to act quick but as easy as possible for him.
Give him time .make some cloths or sneaker printing his face on them. He will love it very much. That will give him feeling safe and your care towards him to other people.
It is a good idea during the early weeks and months to introduce your puppy a variety sights, sounds, people and experience .let him meet different kind of people. The visitors, children or adults and let him approach them to his own time. This will help him to socialize and cope with any situation in later life rather than being shy or fearful.
10) Equip him with all necessary gadget: while you are around with your puppy you try your best to keep eyes on him but when you are way it become hard you never know he might get spooked, or excited about squirrel. Or run away .this situation can be your worst nightmare.
To avoid any worries you can equip your puppy with a GPS dog tracker and install a dog camera.
Give him some worm cloths when its winter and puppy dog sneaker that will protect him from cold and safety.